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Star Centre for Canada
Welcome to the White Eagle Lodge
Charitable Status Number: 86228 8917 RR0001
sjlawrence@whiteagle.ca P.O.Box 262 Binbrook,
Ontario, L0R 1C0 www.whiteagle.ca
The White Eagle Lodge teaches a universal spiritual path of brotherhood for all men and women. The teachings are inclusive of all life. Whether we call ourselves Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim or any other, we are all one human family. The teachings honour the individual path, knowing that all true paths lead to God.
The White Eagle Lodge seeks to help humanity develop its true nature, which is the inner Light, so that the Light may radiate throughout the whole being and on out into the world to bless, heal and comfort. The Light which guides and instills all life lies within; sometimes this Light is called the Christ Light. It is all love.
Through this teaching we are encouraged on a path of love, tolerance and service towards all life; towards the development of inner peace, and the awareness of our eternal, spiritual nature.
Our Star Centre for Canada is located in Binbrook, Ontario which is close to Hamilton and Stoney Creek.
The Star Centre for Canada carries a stock of White Eagle books, Cd’s, etc., and welcomes your orders. Please email your request to: books@whiteagle.ca
Your support of the work of the White Eagle Lodge in Canada is warmly welcomed!
Your support of the work of the White Eagle Lodge in Canada is warmly welcomed!