Wesak Festival
“A quietness settles upon the earth. In spite of all the lush growth and activity of the newborn life, there is felt a deep underlying peace which we associate with the Divine-Mother aspect of God, who gives form to all beauty. In the inner ethers – “meeting place between heaven and earth” – a ceremony takes place through which the compassionate Lord Buddha blesses the whole earth. It is a time of utter stillness and surrender, and of the oneness of all life. It is a time of preparation of the mind and heart for the great spiritual outpouring, the Christ festival.”
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“The Lord Buddha brought to humanity the message of peace and brotherhood, of stillness. He taught his disciples how to meditate and become conscious of the enfolding power of God; he taught them how to live wisely in brotherhood and to understand the sufferings of those on earth. He gave them compassion. We suggest that the teaching of the Lord Buddha, when rightly understood, was chiefly concerned with the preparation of the soul.”
from White Eagle on Festivals & Celebration
When Easter, the great festival of the arisen sun, has passed, it is for a time as if a quietness settles upon the earth. In spite of all the lush new growth and the activity of the newborn life, there is felt a deep underlying peace which we associate with the Divine-Mother aspect of God, who gives form to all beauty.
It is at this time that the Buddhist festival of Wesak occurs, not only on the outer planes when disciples and followers of the Lord Buddha are drawn together in a great festival of communion and reunion and worship; but more vitally in the inner ethers, which White Eagle describes as a ‘meeting place between heaven and earth’. And at that level a ceremony takes place through which the influence of the compassionate Buddha blesses the whole earth.
The meditation at this time is of utter stillness and surrender, and of the oneness of all life; those who can tune in to the festival and share the great communion can, in meditation, reflect upon the world the deep peace of the Lord Buddha and the shining brotherhood gathered on the inner planes. If you are thus illumined, you feel and know the power of the Holy Spirit. Your vision and understanding are quickened and your one desire is to help and care for others, whatever their experiences on earth. Thereafter you live not for yourself, but that your life may bless others. This is not remote; this is where your path is leading you.
When you receive the holy blessing, you are then an ambassador of God, and go forth into life to serve, to uplift, to heal, to comfort. You are a chosen one of God in the service of human kind, even as the apostles were after Pentecost.
This thought we would commend to you: that the development of your own being is not for your own sake, but so that you can render service to life, so that you can more adequately give. We would give to you all love, and the blessing of the Great White Spirit……
from White Eagle on Festivals & Celebrations
We would raise you from your lower physical level of thought to the upper level, to the purer air, to the finer pulsation or vibration of life. We would take you to the vast assembly of brethren on the higher etheric plane, the assembly of the Buddhist or Wesak festival of peace, compassion and love. In your heart, in your pure spirit, you will be enveloped in this sweet and holy love… your own heart must be full of love and compassion for all life, for at this level, brethren of the light know that all life is one. You feel compassion for all life: for the animal kingdom, the nature kingdom, even for the mineral kingdom and for the very substance of the earth planet. Meditate on this at-one-ment……
In the holy silence, see: see with your inner vision the form of the Lord Buddha; with him is the Master Jesus and behind both these forms the perfect shining golden figure of the Cosmic Christ. As you become absorbed into this golden light, you feel especially the contact with the Lord Buddha as he pours forth the blessing of love and compassion upon all life. Peace, infinite peace fills your soul.
All discordant feelings and thoughts are washed away in this divine peace and the radiance of the Lord Buddha. It waxes and then it wanes, like a great cosmic breath, and as the radiance glows from his form you feel the infinite peace enfolding you and find yourself breathing forth peace and love on all living creatures.
You are now with the great brotherhood of the ages in the temple of the one true light, the Christos. Feel the perfect harmony in this universal temple of brotherhood. Feel the rhythm of all life, the at-one-ment of all the kingdoms of life from the amoeba, through all the animal kingdoms, right to the supreme Being. Feel the rhythm, the life-beat of all creatures… Feel the complete at-one-ment of all life…
Worship in your own way in the temple of universal brotherhood. You are in IT: you are in this vast sea of life. You cannot be separated from your brother-sister, life. You are in IT, and your brother-sister is part of yourself, and all are part of God. Be at peace.
from White Eagle on Festivals & Celebrations