Path for Soul Development in the Lodge and in Service to Others

Healing is a gift of God. When, through a few kind words, you lift the heart of another, you are practicing healing; when you hold in your mind the beauty of creation, you are giving healing to the world, because your very thought is creative and takes beautiful form. Our thoughts have the power to change the world.
God is the creative power within all life. The teachings of White Eagle bring an understanding of how to connect with the power of God, the Light of Love within our own hearts, and to use that power to comfort and to heal others. It is a path of spiritual growth for those who involve themselves in this work.
This healing service is given with love and without charge to all who ask. The healing ministry embraces people, animals, and Mother Earth.
Music by Joao Cota-Robles
Through Frederick Delarue
To continue one’s spiritual growth within the Lodge there are many opportunities:
Membership: Initially becoming a member is the first step, an acknowledgement that one is in harmony with the teachings, ideals and principles of the Lodge. There are no rigid rules, simply teachings from the heart from which guidance and inspiration may assist in one’s own highly individual spiritual journey.
Distant Healing: Healing is central to the work of the White Eagle Lodge. It is a path of spiritual growth for those who involve themselves in this work. It is given with love and without charge to all who ask. The healing ministry embraces people, animals and Mother Earth.
Anyone who feels a desire to help alleviate suffering can join in the healing work. Healing flows through a loving heart and earnest desire to serve. The White Eagle method of healing is given by groups and, also, distant healers who work alone. Together they form a network of light and healing throughout the world. Experience as a distant healer is the foundation for specialized White Eagle training in “Hands On” healing.
Should you be drawn to further service within the White Eagle Lodge, to our fellow humans, animals, and to the Earth herself, please email:
Brotherhood: If, after a period of healing service, and a desire for even deeper dedication to the work of the Lodge seems right, then application may be made to assist in the work of the Star Brotherhood. The work of the Brotherhood is global. It is a commitment that involves both dedication and a profound trust that spiritual work such as this can truly help heal world conditions.
“The brotherhood of the Great White or Christ Light, labors to inspire humankind with good thought, their special work being to help forward the spiritual evolution of humankind.
The purpose of the work here is brotherhood, and through this brotherhood, through this sympathy, this patience, this tolerance one with another; you are learning to establish a universal brotherhood.”
~White Eagle
For more information, please email: Jane Sorbi at