Thanksgiving USA
“When we sit in the silence and commune with the invisible, we become aware of the praise and thanksgiving flowing from the heart of God. It may seem strange to you to think of God giving thanks, but we ask you to consider this idea of God pouring forth thankfulness. God created the world, the heavens and all things. And God gave thanks on beholding his-her creation.” “We want to put into your heart this thought of a continual outpouring of thanksgiving for everything: for life, for food, for the joy of living, even for those experiences which may appear to be bitter — for even these hold blessings for the child of God.” from Prayer, Mindfulness and Inner Change “At the time of harvest people may bring their gifts to their church or temple to give thanks to the Giver of all life. These gifts of flowers and fruit, the fruits of the earth are demonstrations in a physical world of that inner power of God, the power of the Spirit.” from White Eagle On Festivals & Celebrations ‘Whatever comes today is the harvest of our own sowing, and therefore we accept this harvest with humility and thankfulness, knowing that it comes to teach and to help us become simple and to know the Creator in a way that we would not otherwise have attained.’ from Prayer, Mindfulness and Inner Change