‘Love one another’
The golden key which unlocks the door of the heart.
The White Eagle Lodge teaches a universal spiritual path of Brotherhood towards all life. Whatever religion or pathway that the individual may follow, it is the Light of the Creator, God, which guides and instills every soul and life form. This Light is Love, sometimes this Light is called the Christ Light.
The earth is a school. The purpose of the Lodge teaching is to help humanity develop its true nature, which is the inner light, so that the Light may radiate through the whole being and on out into the world, to inspire, bless, heal and comfort; to help guide the individual into the coming Age.
Its name “White Eagle” symbolizes the bird of vision and is the mystical symbol of St. John, the disciple who wrote the fourth gospel in the New Testament and the book of Revelation of the Christian Bible.
The White Eagle Lodge seeks to establish a ‘Brotherhood of Spirit’ in all countries of the world inclusive of all spiritual paths; so that the influence of kindliness, mutual respect and dignity can be spread throughout the earth.
“We want you to realize that this Lodge has a fine purpose. Its purpose lies far in the future – that of bringing to the earth a standard of life in harmony with the infinite love… to introduce to humanity the truth of God within, the light within.” White Eagle