About the Star Symbol
“Symbols are the language of the spirit”

The symbol of the White Eagle Lodge is the six pointed star. It represents the Christ Love. It is a symbol of the perfectly balanced man or woman who is awakened to God, and yet whose feet are firmly planted upon the earth. It is an age old symbol and is called the ‘Christ Star’. The Christ is the Light that illuminates the hearts of all people.
The six pointed star symbol, with the triangles seamlessly joined, sets up a beautiful focus for good, for compassion, for tolerance and for healing. The star is a reminder of our true being as spirit and a focal point for meditation. When focusing on that star through the power of divine love we can direct that light, truth and healing anywhere in the world where there is need.
Modern science has discovered that the geometrical form of the perfectly balanced six-pointed star is a basic component in the structure of all life forms.
“The Star is not only a great cosmic power, it is also a tender, loving, guiding power; a protecting power in your own lives. If you can surrender yourselves to the sweet and lovely Star radiance, you will find that your pathway will be one of light and happiness and gentle peace.”
White Eagle