Origin of White Eagle Lodge

It was during her teens that her father and her siblings become Spiritualists. Grace began her career in 1913 and used her innate gifts to help many through the loss of loved ones and the assurance that there is survival after death. The British prime minister, Ramsay MacDonald, vouched for the accuracy of her spirit communications.
Although not known by the name White Eagle at the time, Grace later learned that her spirit guide was with her since birth. Later in life, White Eagle bestowed the name, ‘Minesta,’ on his medium. Minesta means ‘mother.’ Grace dedicated her life in loving service; she held in her heart a rare depth of love and compassion along with a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all life.
Her gift, in bringing through the White Eagle teachings and with remarkable support of her husband, Ivan, leaves a lasting legacy for those who seek truth ever present within the ancient wisdom teachings.
Now an international organization, the first White Eagle Lodge was founded by Grace and Ivan Cooke, on February 22, 1936 in Kensington, London. The emphasis of the Lodge was spiritual healing and to continue channeling teachings from her guide, White Eagle. In September 1940, the Lodge in London was bombed. In September 1945 a country site was opened in New lands in the village of Liss in Hampshire. During the 1950s and 1960s the first small groups outside of the UK were founded. The first temple at New lands was opened June 1974.

Since opening, a triangle of temples have been established. The second temple at the Lodge’s Australasian Centre at Maleny in 1991 and the third at the Center for the Americas in Montgomery,
Texas in 1992.
Grace Cooke passed into the light on September 5, 1979 at the age of 87, and her husband, Ivan passed into the light in 1981. After Grace’s passing, the role of Mother of the Lodge passed jointly to her daughters, Joan Hodgson and Ylanna Hayward.
In 2021, a new temple, the Temple of the Light, was dedicated in New Lands with Jenny Dent, presiding as Mother of the Lodge.

For more information about Grace Cooke, check out Memories of Reincarnation. in our bookstore.