Membership Amenities and Information

It does not matter if you live far from any Lodge or Group, because membership is as much a spiritual link, as well as a material link, and all can join in spiritual service to our family of humanity, the animal and plant kingdoms, and to Mother Earth herself.
Benefits for Members Include:
Newsletter: You will receive our tri-annual newsletter, On Eagle’s Wings. You can choose to receive the Newsletter electronically (via email) or a hard copy by mail. You can look at a sample by clicking on the following link Winter 2022.
Courses: Members may further their study of the White Eagle teachings by ordering courses for personal study. Courses Page
Retreats & Workshops: Members receive a 5% discount on all retreats and workshops facilitated by The White Eagle Lodge/Saint John’s Retreat Center. Retreat Schedule.
Healing: After three months a member may choose to serve as an absent or present healer for people, animals and/or earth healing, either working alone or in a group. Healing Page
Brotherhood: After serving in the healing work for a period of time, should you seek a deeper dedication to the path, you may apply to join in the Brotherhood work. The work of the Brotherhood links with other such groups around the globe, to project light, love and peace into the world, and help to illumine humanity on the upward evolutionary path.
To request more information about membership, please contact us at: accounting@whiteaglelodge.org .
There are two ways to submit the information to become a member, supporter or to renew your membership: 1) is to complete the online form Membership Form. or 2) to download the form
“New Membership and Renewal Form” and mail your payment to the address on the form and email the form to accounting@whiteaglelodge.org
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!