Healing Earth

As an aspect of the healing work at White Eagle Lodge is to Mother Earth and the world of Nature with all its elements; the world of which we are a part and upon which we depend for our physical life. The seed of healing always lies first at an inner level. We can all work at an inner spiritual level, as well as the outer physical level, and truly make a difference at this time of global challenge and climate change.
The service of attunement and meditation begins by acknowledging our energetic connection both with Mother Earth and the world of nature. From this basis we seek to work with the angels who are so truly the inner life behind the outward forms of nature. We seek to build a bridge of cooperation and mutual service which will bring positive change in human attitudes.
If you would like to participate in the White Eagle Earth Healing Service, please email Catherine at sjrc@whiteaglelodge.org to request a copy of the service. Your help is most welcome, thank you.
Prayer for Earth
“Let us pray for peace and healing on Earth. Peace be in our hearts. May we search for wisdom of the spirit, the wisdom which perceives the Great Spirit working through life; which discriminates between the things that matter, the real things of life and the unreal things that are transient, that are with us for a day and tomorrow pass into the unknown.
Let us search for the wisdom that reveals the true life of the spirit in bird and beast and flower and tree, in the stars and planets and in the great cosmic life, the wisdom that teaches that there is a purpose behind every act, behind every experience; that teaches us to live to service life and all creatures, to serve humanity and to leave the Earth plane richer for our incarnation. Amen.”