Bring Your Group or Individual Retreats

Welcome to the Saint John’s Retreat Center!
A perfect setting for a small group, a couple or an individual.
Our pristine and serene 70-acre wooded retreat center
is the perfect setting for reflection and renewing.
To qualify as a group you must secure a minimum stay of 2 nights for 6 persons.

Ten guestrooms are available that can accommodate up to 10 individuals,
(1 person/room) or 20 individuals (double occupancy.)

Lunch and dinners gourmet vegetarian meals are prepared by the chef. Breakfast is self-serve. Fruit and nuts are available for snacks.

White Eagle Lodge is an alcohol-free center.

Dairy and eggs may be used in preparation of meals. Contact uabout dietary concerns.

Group retreats generally begin at 3:00 p.m. on the arrival date and end on the departure day after lunch.


For more information or to reserve lodging for your group
contact us at
or call 936-597-5757

Room Accommodations and Rates
Group Guest Rooms Rate
Not-for-Profit Group
(W9 form required)
Each person – double occupancy/night $155
Single occupancy/night $205
Day rate for commuter (includes lunch) $75
For-Profit Group Each person – double occupancy/night $195
Single occupancy/night $245
Day rate for commuter (includes lunch) $95
Personal retreats are encouraged. For accommodation rates contact Jane Sorbi
Extra meal rate: Breakfast: $15
Lunch: $20
Dinner: $25