


Scorpio Lunar Eclipse – May 5, 2023
We are in the midst for a spiritual revolution. This is a particularly intense eclipse season and eclipses can bring the possibility of permanent changes in our lives. A Lunar Eclipse is an extra powerful Full Moon, illuminating what has been germinating beneath the surface of our lives, shedding light on the darkest depths of our souls and the Soul of the World. So now is the time to take a long, hard look at what we have buried in our unconscious. With the Moon in Scorpio (Sun in Taurus) disciples and followers of the Lord Buddha are drawn together in worship. The influence of the compassionate Buddha blesses the whole earth, creating a time of deep peace, associated with the Divine Mother aspect of God. Becoming centers of love and peace we can navigate these troubled times and each do our part to bring Peace on Earth.
“Acquire a peaceful spirit and thousands around you will be saved.” Seraphim of Sarov
Astrology helps us see the blueprint of our souls, to see our challenges in a new light, from a higher perspective, as the perfect outworking of the Divine Plan for our lives. It reminds us that everything changes, everything passes, and everything evolves. We are each a unique spark of the divine in the vast tapestry of divine intelligence that weaves across time and space. Each one of us has a special role to play in the ongoing co-creation of our universe. This eclipse in Scorpio brings valuable opportunities for healing, transformation and rebirth to take place. Falling near the South Node (our collective past), it is about endings of the old order that make way for the flowering of new beginnings. Eclipses can be turning points in our understanding, making this is a perfect time to let go of what no longer serves our highest good. So what do we wish to move away from, to shed, in order to bring in a new, more fulfilling cycle into our lives?
“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.” Joseph Campbell
We are moving beyond several thousand years spent in the shadow of patriarchal control, the sensate experience of the lower self and the confines of three-dimensional awareness. With the Sun in Taurus, the spotlight is on cultivating a reverent and balanced relationship with Mother Earth and the world of nature. Computers and caffeine disconnect us from our souls and from our soul connection with all life. Indeed, it is upon our soul connection with the natural world that our future survival depends. If we are listening, the Earth Goddess (Taurus) is now returning to share her wisdom. Taurus and Scorpio are both natural healing signs and along with the Moon symbolize the healing power of the Great Mother. Where the Sun at 15 degrees Taurus falls in our charts it is time to revise our values, to reorganize our priorities and to practice the principle of stewardship. We are here to embrace the Wisdom of our Earth Mother who teaches us that we own nothing and are simply the custodians of all our spiritual and material gifts.
“Seek the wisdom that will untie the knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being.” Rumi
We each incarnated to heal ourselves and our planet, to shed our skins, like the serpent, symbol of Scorpio, and to leave them behind. Uranus in Taurus is conjunct the Sun and opposition the Moon in Scorpio. To the ancients, Taurus and Scorpio were concerned with light and darkness respectively. Alchemy describes the process of transmuting the heavy, leaded weight of fear, darkness and duality into the gold of compassion, love and unity and Scorpio’s ultimate goal is alchemical. Gold represents the enlightened state of cosmic consciousness, the achievement of a purified, unified awareness (Uranus). This aspect of the Divine Feminine (Taurus) is now awakening (Uranus) in our souls and the Soul of the World, purifying our desires (Taurus) through spiritual regeneration (Scorpio), bringing transformation and rebirth.
“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you.” Buddha
The Moon in Scorpio is about cleaning house emotionally, about purging old resentments and healing old wounds. Unresolved, unconscious trauma remains stored in the cells of our bodies and in our souls until transmuted, hindering our evolution and rendering us more susceptible to ill-health, exploitation and control. Expressed positively, our Scorpio energy helps us to face the depths of our innermost conflicts, illuminating the dark corners of our soul, and bringing any negative patterns into the Light for healing. Where the Moon at 15 degrees Scorpio falls in our charts we are learning about the regenerative nature of the life force, the healing power of the spirit of love within. We are to be ruthlessly honest with ourselves by listening to our conscience, to the wisdom of Sophia. Indeed, conscience is a feminine attribute, and what we see through the keyhole of our masculine linear perspective, looks entirely different through the open door, of our all embracing, holistic, compassionate feminine vision. We are reminded that:
“In separateness lies the world’s great misery, in compassion lies the world’s true strength.” Buddha
Jupiter in Aries is conjunct the dwarf planet Eris and is in an out of sign square aspect to alchemical Pluto (in Aquarius), ruler of Scorpio. Dwarf planets express the divine intelligence of the cosmos. Eris is the largest dwarf planet, and is known as the spiritual warrior, a feisty street fighter for justice, equality and social inclusion (Aquarius). She represents the archetype of shadows and awakening and in myth was the sister of Mars (ruler of Aries), and often portrayed fighting alongside her brother. Her energy demonstrates the brave expression of the qualities of the Divine Feminine. She fights against the oppression, corruption and lack of integrity that is taking place through the mechanisms of patriarchal rule (negative Aries). Like Uranus she is a radical and maverick and is joining with Jupiter to fight against the injustices of governments and corporations around the globe. Eris is known as the great disruptor and her energy is helping Pluto in the breakdown of all those structures that are not based upon spiritual principles, her momentum always being in alignment with spiritual law (Jupiter). Along with Jupiter and Pluto she is promoting the birth of new concepts based upon the wisdom of the Divine Feminine and reminds us that we are each an essential player in the ongoing universal process of evolution. Only when we express compassion and unconditional love toward each other and join with like-minded souls (Aquarius) demanding justice for all (Jupiter), will we overcome the deceptive, power and fear-oriented programming of patriarchal consciousness. Then working together we can co-create Peace through Love, the alchemical goal and evolutionary intent of Scorpio.
“It is through the individual awareness of the great Love permeating all creation and all human kind that the world will come to the New Golden Age.” White Eagle
Heather Threlfall – April 2023 – astro_dynamics1@yahoo.com

An astrological perspective is very much woven into the White Eagle teachings. A study of this ‘sacred science’ can be a most profound tool towards self understanding and the understanding of others and the world around us.