About White Eagle

Many years ago, speaking through Grace Cook, White Eagle said:
“We come to you under the name of White Eagle but would like to explain that we speak for a large company of shining beings, angels and illumined souls of men and women who are sometimes referred to as ‘the Star Brotherhood.’ We have the name of White Eagle because our message is the message of John, the beloved of the Lord Jesus. John is the ‘light bringer;’ White Eagle is the humble servant, but the symbol of the white eagle is one used by John the Beloved, the teacher of the new Age of Aquarius…”
No true spiritual teacher ever makes claims for themselves—they come in simplicity and humility. Many who have followed the teaching and path of spirituality recognize the presence of a master behind his words and work. White Eagle states that he is a messenger for those far greater than himself.
Note about the portrait of White Eagle.
For many years White Eagle had informed Grace Cooke that a portrait of him existed which would one day come into her possession.
The artist came to Grace Cook as a total stranger. They were introduced casually through a friend and at the sitting White Eagle told this man that he had years previously painted the heads of two American Indians: one full face, and the other in profile with a headdress of eagle’s feathers, white with blue and gold tips; and the that the latter was his portrait.
The man, who had not so far disclosed his identity to Grace Cooke, admitted that he was the well-known artist R. Jicaji. Some twenty years before, under powerful inspiration, he painted this picture, but felt obliged not to part with it. A voice seemed to inform him that he had not so far met its rightful owner.
Later, the artist generously presented the portrait to Grace Cooke, thus fulfilling White Eagle’s earlier pledge to her.
The Ancient Wisdom, restated again through the teachings of the White Eagle Lodge, bring a beautiful explanation and understanding to everyday life providing inspiration, help and guidance; a path by which to live and grow.
White Eagle Teachings can be found here

For more information about White Eagle the book, The Light Bringer: The Ray of John and the Age of Intuition, can be found in our bookstore.