A Path for Living
‘Love one another’
The golden key which unlocks the door of the heart.
The White Eagle teachings reflect the Ancient Wisdom brought to Earth through many great teachers throughout the ages. We understand the Ancient Wisdom to be the light of truth which pervades all religions, the truth of mankind’s spiritual being and creation.
The Earth is a school, and the purpose of the Lodge’s teachings is to help humanity develop its true nature, which is the inner light. It is important than this Light radiate through the whole being and on out into the world, to inspire, bless, heal and comfort; to help guide the individual into the coming Age.
These simple and beautiful teachings may be read and understood at any level; answers to questions concerning one’s daily life may be found along with the opportunity to understand more deeply the nature of our world and the universe in which we live. The teachings honor the individual path, knowing that all the true paths lead to God.
“We want you to realize that this Lodge has a fine purpose.
Its purpose lies far in the future—that of bringing to Earth
a standard of life in harmony with infinite love…
to introduce to humanity the truth of God within, the light within.”
~ White Eagle
The White Eagle Lodge teaches a universal spiritual path of Brotherhood towards all life. Whatever religion or pathway that the individual may follow, it is the Light of the Creator, God, which guides and instills every soul and life form. This Light is Love, sometimes this Light is called the ‘Christ Light.’
The purpose of the White Eagle Lodge since its inception is to ‘send out the light.’ It is a spiritual sign and above all things it is the symbol of the soul and from each soul must shine the light of the spirit. It is not so much what we do, but how we do it. Blending and balancing our feelings into greater harmony—in whatever circumstances we may find ourselves.
By living in harmony, we cannot not help but ‘send out the light.’ These rays of light which flow out from our hearts are ‘sound waves of love.’ They come from the heart as the kind and gentle spoken word and, as we grow ever more mindful of that lovely light in our hearts, we shine a little brighter and the power of that light becomes ever more beautiful and effective.

The symbol of the lighthouse is most fitting because it is absolutely still. The lighthouse simply shines its steady beam of light for all to see. Our work is not so different. We have often heard the phrase: ‘being rather than doing.’ The intensity and power of the light which shines out from each of us will depend upon the quality of stillness and tranquility of our inner selves, how much we can simply shine.
The White Eagle Lodge offers the opportunity to join
a spiritual family; a family that strives to give
supportive, nonjudging love, a family that
nurtures and encourages personal growth.
For many, this spiritual family brings
a sense of inner peace and well-being.